nedeľa 14. augusta 2016

Nová tradícia/New tradition

Vyskúšané. Ochutnané. Odporúčam.
I tried it. I tasted it. I recomend it.

S Mimkou sme si minulý týždeň povedali, že nebudeme sedieť doma a vyrazíme si do mesta na raňajky. Okrem raňajok sme stihli aj kávu v Starbucks, nákup potravín (desiatu do práce predsa treba) a ja som si kúpila rozkošný obedár, v ktorom si nosím ovocie. A niekde v priebehu našich raňajok sme sa dohodli, že si z toho spravíme piatkovú tradíciu.
Na čo však musím poukázať je podnik, v ktorom sme si raňajky dali. Artigiano. Ak niekedy budete v Readingu, vrelo odporúčam. Nachádza sa na Broad Street a robia tam úžasný ľadový čaj. Vyskúšala som už uhorkový, broskyňový a jasmínový (tieto majú najčastejšie) a všetky boli výborné. Taktiež tam robia skvelé croissanty a celkový dojem podniku je veľmi príjemný.
S láskou Mary

Last week me and Mimka decided to not stay at home and instead of this go for breakfast to town. We had amazing breakfast, coffee in Starbucks, we also go shopping some groceries (I had nothing for lunch for work at home) and I bought cute lunch box in which I am having usually some fruit salad. And while we were enjoying out breakfast, we decided that we will make tradition of this breakfast in town.
What I really have to recommend is coffe bar in which we had breakfast. Artigiano. If you will visit Reading in some point of your life, don`t miss it. It is located on Broad Street and they have an amazing ice tea. I tried cucumber, peach and jasmine (they have this very often) and everyone of them is really good. They also have very good croissants. Artigiano really impress me.
With love, Mary

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